
The Bed Push symbolizes and celebrates Mad peoples’ journey from the institution to the community:

Proud Bed Pushers at Toronto Mad Pride 2015
Proud Bed Pushers at Toronto Mad Pride 2015

Patients left hospitals like the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) to live in the community.


Involuntary patients / inmates escaped from institutions like CAMH and found their own rights and opportunities for self-determination, empowerment.

In 2015, the Bed Push went from Parkdale Library to Trinity Bellwoods Park a lovely walk that drew support, spread our voice and ended with terrific food.P1200973

Sounds and cheers were carried by the bed neé stretcher.

At the end of the march shady trees were a blessed sight!

Photo: Bed Push arrives
Photo: Bed Push arrives

Please join us this year on the Bed Push. We need volunteers NOW to plan the Bed Push. We also need volunteers on the day to help with carrying signs, food, sleepy people and marshals, media relations, and cheerleaders.

  • email us at torontomadpride at gmail.com and use the subject line: “Bed Push”

Looking forward to meeting you and talking soon.


Toronto Mad Pride has a new Madweb site where you can find out about volunteering, events, madness, cool people and ways to celebrate. This year is going to be better than ever with people committed to learning, sharing, forming community and fun.

Mad Pride logo a person throws off shackles – The Right to be Free – The Right to be Me

Mad Pride is about activism and celebration. We invite you to join in building something together with enthusiastic and supportive nnpeople. We are not experts. We are not a hierarchical team. Planning is based on input from people like you and driven by your energy. So join us and invite your coolest friends, neighbours and acquaintances.

Contact / Involve / Share / Celebrate the Mad Love and Empowerment: