Pride comes from resistance, courage, creativity and collective action.
Mad Pride – since when?
Mad Pride emerged out of many historical movements for self-determination and dignity, including Black Liberation, Women’s Liberation, “Mad liberation”, anti-psychiatry, ex-psychiatric patient, self-reliance, anti-poverty, consumer survivor, service user and other movements.

The first Toronto Pride event for mad people was held in the fall of 1993. It was called Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day. The founds of this day have gone onto create non-profits, artistic spaces, and become activists for many causes in addition to Mad rights.
The name changed to Mad Pride in 2002 and events are now held in the summer to correspond with Bastille Day (during the French Revolution, citizens stormed the Bastille to liberate prisoners and mad people) and International Mad Pride Day on July 14.
Mad Pride is celebrated annually in a number of cities and countries.
Our Logo is created by the talented artist (who happens to identify as Mad) Saraƒin
Historical Inspiration: checkout Toronto Mad Pride 2015
For more information:
Ruth Ruth (2009). Mad Pride. Consumer/Survivor Information Bulletin, 398, pp. 1-2.